How to use comment out large section in LaTeX such as multiline or block comments?

In this tutorial you will see how to comment out a large section. There are several ways to do this in LaTeX, of which the most popular methods are represented in this tutorial.

Use % symbol before each line for block comment

If a single line is preceded by a % symbol, the LaTeX compiler ignores that line and treats it as a comment.

If you want to comment out a large block of text, you can use % symbol at the beginning of each line.

% This is a multiline comment in LaTeX
% You can use the % symbol at the beginning of each line
\noindent Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pretium nibh turpis. Donec nec magna neque. Pellentesque metus urna, volutpat at risus et, euismod hendrerit ex. Vestibulum semper quis metus in pretium.

% The following lines are commented out
% This is line 1 of the comment
% This is line 2 of the comment
% This is line 3 of the comment


Output :

Percent symbol is used before each line.

Using \iffalse and \fi commands

\iffalse and \fi commands can be used to create a block comment. Anything between \iffalse and \fi will be ignored by the compiler.

\noindent Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pretium nibh turpis. Donec nec magna neque. Pellentesque metus urna, volutpat at risus et, euismod hendrerit ex. Vestibulum semper quis metus in pretium.

    This is a multiline comment in LaTeX.
    You can use \iffalse and \fi to comment out multiple lines.
    These lines will be ignored during compilation.

\[\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{n(n+1)}{2}\]

Output :

Blocks are created by \iffalse and \fi commands that ignore multiline text.

Use comment package

comment package provides a convenient way to create block comments. But, Remember to include the \usepackage{comment} line in preamble of your document.

\noindent Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin finibus vestibulum feugiat. Phasellus a enim aliquet, cursus magna ut, bibendum tellus. Integer nibh magna, sollicitudin at dui quis, ullamcorper varius leo. \\[6pt]

    This is a block comment using the comment package.
    You can include as many lines as you want in this block,
    and they will be ignored during compilation.

\noindent Nulla malesuada facilisis dui, quis auctor ante facilisis convallis. Ut bibendum luctus massa, a molestie arcu tempor id. Maecenas faucibus congue eros ac convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Cras vel purus odio. 

Output :

This figure shows usage of comment environment.

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