How to add comments in LaTeX algorithms?

If you are writing an algorithm in LaTeX and you want to add comments, it’s quite easy! We generally use the algorithmic package to write algorithms, and this package has special commands for adding comments. Let me explain the whole process in simple terms.

First, we need to include the algorithmic package. For this, you need to add \usepackage{algorithmic} at the beginning of your document.

Use COMMENT command

When writing the algorithm, we use the \STATE command to write different steps. If you want to add a comment to any step, you can use the \COMMENT{} command. Inside this command, you write your comment.

Let’s make it clear with an example:

\caption{A Sample Algorithm}
\STATE \textbf{Input:} An array of integers $A$
\STATE \textbf{Output:} Sorted array $A$
\FOR{$i = 1$ to $n$}
    \STATE Perform some operation
    \COMMENT{This is a explaining the operation}

Here, you can see that the line \COMMENT{This is a explaining the operation} is added just after the \STATE command. This way, you can add comments anywhere inside the algorithm.

Another thing to remember is that if your comment is long and takes more than one line, you can add multiple sentences inside the \COMMENT{} command.

This way, you can easily add comments while writing algorithms in LaTeX. If you have any issues, let me know, I am ready to help!

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