How to change bullet point colors in LaTeX?

Bullet points in LaTeX are an essential part of organizing content, especially when creating visually appealing presentations or documents.

By default, bullet points in the itemize environment are black. However, LaTeX does not provide a built-in method to change their color directly.

To modify the color, we need to use some techniques. In this guide, we will explore two effective methods to achieve this.

Using enumitem to change bullet point color

The enumitem package provides full control over list. With this package, we can change the bullet symbol, adjust its size, and most importantly, modify its color.

If we want all the bullet points in a list to have the same color, we can use the label option.



    \item This is a normal black text, but the point is red.
    \item Another normal text, with a red point.
    \item A third example where the point is still red.


Color point list

This code will turn all the bullet points in the list red, while keeping the text color unchanged. The key element here is the command label={\textcolor{red}{\textbullet}}, which applies the red color only to the bullet points without affecting anything else.

However, if you want each point to have a different color, the enumitem package alone will not be enough. In that case, we need to use the second method \textcolor{color}{$\bullet$}.

Change bullet point color individually

If you want each bullet point to have a different color, you can use \textcolor{color}{$\bullet$}. This method works with the xcolor package and allows us to specify a different color for each point.


For example, suppose you want the first point to be red, the second one blue, and the third one green. You can achieve this using the following code.



    \item[\textcolor{red}{$\bullet$}] This is red.
    \item[\textcolor{blue}{$\bullet$}] This is blue.
    \item[\textcolor{green}{$\bullet$}] This is green.


Different color point list

In this method, each \item is assigned a separate color using \textcolor{color}{$\bullet$}, which results in bullet points with different colors.

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