How to write a natural numbers(ℕ) symbol in LaTeX?

Natural numbers are positive numbers starting from 1 to ∞, represented by the ℕ symbol.

LaTeX does not have a built-in command for this symbol, so an external package is required. There are four LaTeX packages available, each using the same command to display ℕ.

The \mathbb{N} command requires the capital letter ℕ as its argument.

Package Command and output
amsfonts \mathbb{N} → ℕ
amssymb \mathbb{N} → ℕ
txfonts \mathbb{N}ℕ symbol using txfonts package
pxfonts \mathbb{N}ℕ symbol using pxfonts package

In LaTeX, this can be written using the \mathbb{N} command from the amsfonts package. The following example shows how to properly format natural numbers in set notation.

  \[ \mathbb{N}=\{1,2,3,\ldots,\infty\} \] 

Output :

Set of ℕ symbol

This notation clearly defines natural numbers as an infinite set of positive integers.

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