How to denote euro(€) symbol in LaTeX?

The Euro (€) is the official currency of the European Union. The \texteuro command is the default way to display the € sign without requiring any additional packages.

  \texteuro \\

Output :

€ currency symbol

Using the textcomp package

The textcomp package also provides the \texteuro command, offering an alternative way to insert the € symbol.

  \texteuro \\

Output :

€ symbol with textcomp package 

The eurosym package

If you’re looking for more flexibility with the € symbol, the eurosym package is a great choice. It offers multiple variations of the € sign, each with slight design differences.

  100 \euro \\
  150 \geneuro \\
  120 \geneuronarrow \\
  180 \geneurowide \\
  200 \officialeuro

Output :

€ symbol with eurosym package

Among all these options, \euro is widely recommended as the best practice.

The Marvosym package

For even more customization, the marvosym package allows you to generate the euro symbol in different fonts.

Each font has slight variations in design, giving you flexibility based on your document style.

Fonts Command
Courier \EURcr
Helvetica \EURhv
Times \EURtm

To use these variations, include the marvosym package in your document.

  1.Normal font $\rightarrow$ 100 \EUR \\
  2.Courier font $\rightarrow$ 100 \EURcr \\
  3.Helvetica font $\rightarrow$ 100 \EURhv \\
  4.Times font $\rightarrow$ 100 \EURtm 

Output :

€ symbol with marvosym package

Each method has its advantages, but in most cases, the default \texteuro command is the simplest and most effective way to display the euro symbol in LaTeX.

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