How to write dot derivative in LaTeX?

If we want to add a dot on a variable in math, LaTeX has some default commands like \dot and \ddot. These commands can easily add one or two dots.

With these, we can show differential variables using dot derivatives.

  \[ \dot{v} \]
  \[ \ddot{v} \]

Output :

Dot symbol over letter

So, what if you want to add more than two dots? Like three or four dots? For that, you’ll need the amsmath package. It lets you use the \dddot and \ddddot commands. Let’s see how it works:

  \[ \dddot{v} \]
  \[ \ddddot{v} \]

Output :

Insert \dddot{v} and \dddot{v} commands for three and more dots symbols

Usually, one or two dots are used most of the time. Three dots are very rarely used, and four dots almost never. But, if you ever need it, the amsmath package gives you this option.

Vector dot derivatives

This dot derivative is mostly used with vectors. For example

  \[ \dot{\vec{r}}\; \ddot{\vec{r}}\; \dot{\vec{v}}\; \ddot{\vec{v}} \]
  \[ \vec{v}=\vec{u}+\dot{\vec{v}}t \]
  \[ \vec{r}=\vec{u}t+\frac{1}{2}\ddot{\vec{r}}t \]

Output :

Vector dot derivatives

Esvect package for vector arrow

I’d suggest using the \vv command from the esvect package instead of \vec. Why? Because this package has eight different types of vector arrows, and each arrow is perfectly positioned.

This will make your document look much nicer and more professional.

  \[ \dot{\vv{v}} \]
  \[ \ddot{\vv{v}} \]
  \[ \vv{v} = \vv{u} + \dot{\vv{v}}t \]

Output :

Vector dot derivatives with esvect package


So, my friend, adding dot derivatives or dots on vectors is really easy, right? Just use a few commands and packages properly, and your document will look professional! This is the fun part of LaTeX—you can easily customize even the small things!

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