How to use the \mathbb command in LaTeX for Blackboard-Bold Letters?

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to convert uppercase and lowercase letters into blackboard-bold style using LaTeX. This is achieved using the \mathbb command.

Basic Usage of the \mathbb Command

This command is used to convert letters to blackboard-bold. However, this command does not exist in LaTeX by default. To use it, you need to install specific packages. Different packages might produce slightly different outputs for the \mathbb command.

If you only want to turn uppercase letters into blackboard bold, you should install the following packages: amsfonts, amssymb, txfonts, and fxfonts. Below are some examples of how the output might look with these packages.

Package Output
amsfonts blackboard-bold of ABC
amssymb blackboard-bold of PQR
txfonts blackboard-bold of ABC
pxfonts blackboard-bold of ABC

Example of Using \mathbb Command

Below is an example of using the \mathbb command in LaTeX:

  \[ \mathbb{ABCDEF} \] 

Output :

blackboard-bold of ABCDEF

Blackboard-Bold for Number Systems

In mathematics, sets of different types of numbering systems are often written in blackboard-bold form.

For example, the sets of real numbers, natural numbers, and complex numbers. Below is an example of how to represent these sets using the \mathbb command in LaTeX:

 \[\mathbb{N\,W\,R\,C\,Z\,Q} \]

Output :

Number systems

In case of latex program above, if you pass the lowercase letters and numbers as an argument in \mathbb command, then the output will show you wrong.

Using \mathbb with Lowercase Letters and Numbers

This command in the standard packages works only for uppercase letters. If you need to convert lowercase letters and numbers into blackboard-bold, you should use the bbold package. Here is an example:

  \[ \mathbb{ABCdef123} \]

Output :

Using the bbold package to support numbers.

Using this command with numbers, such as \mathbb{123}, can sometimes be confusing. By default, this command does not support numbers.

However, using the bbold package, you can achieve this. Here is an example of how to use \mathbb{1} in LaTeX:

  \[ \mathbb{1} \]

In this example, the \mathbb{1} command converts the number 1 into blackboard-bold using the bbold package.

This is useful when you need to highlight numbers in your mathematical documents.

Alternative Commands

In LaTeX, you can use more than one command to achieve the same task. For instance, the \varmathbb command available in the txfonts and pxfonts packages can also be used to produce blackboard-bold symbols. Here is an example:

  \[\varmathbb{AaBbCc123} \]

Output :

blackboard-bold with alternative Commands

You can pass any expression as an argument in the \varmathbb command. However, the \varmathbb command will ignore all letters and digits except uppercase letters.


In this tutorial, we explored the use of the \mathbb command to convert letters into blackboard-bold in LaTeX. We looked at different packages like amsfonts, amssymb, txfonts, pxfonts, and bbold to achieve this.

However, best practice is to use amsfonts and amssymb packages for mathbb commands.

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