How to start enumeration(ordered list) from specific number in LaTeX?

Hey there! Have you ever tried creating a list in LaTeX and wished you could start the numbering from a specific number rather than the default 1? Or maybe you’ve started a list, paused midway, and then wanted to resume numbering from where you left off? Knowing how to solve these issues can make working with LaTeX much easier. But how do you do it?

Do you know how to control the numbering in LaTeX? And how to use the \setcounter and \addtocounter commands? In this tutorial, we will answer these questions and explore how to customize enumeration in LaTeX. So, let’s dive into this fascinating journey!

Basics of Enumeration in LaTeX

First, let’s look at how basic enumeration works in LaTeX. Typically, we use the enumerate environment to create lists. For example:

  \item First item
  \item Second item
  \item Third item
\[ \begin{aligned}
&1.\quad \text{First item} \\
&2.\quad \text{Second item} \\
&3.\quad \text{Third item}
\end{aligned} \]

This code will create a simple list starting from 1.

Using start option with enumerate environment

Now, suppose you want your list to start from number 5. For this, we need to use a special option in the enumerate environment. To start the list from a specific number in LaTeX, we use the start option. Here’s an example:

  \item First item
  \item Second item
  \item Third item
\[ \begin{aligned}
&5.\quad \text{First item} \\
&6.\quad \text{Second item} \\
&7.\quad \text{Third item}
\end{aligned} \]

In this example, the enumitem package helps us specify the starting number of the list. We used start=5 to ensure that the list begins at number 5.

Using setcounter to start from a specific Number

We can use the \setcounter command with the enumerate environment to start the list from a specific number. Let’s look at the syntax and an example:


counter_name: This is the name of the counter whose value you want to set. For example, enumi is the counter for the first-level list items.

value: This is the new value you want to set for the counter.

For instance, if you want to start a list from number 3, you would use \setcounter{enumi}{2}. This sets the counter enumi to 2, making the first item in the list numbered 3. Here’s an example code:

  \item First item
  \item Second item
  \item Third item

Using \addtocounter to adjust the counter

The \addtocounter command is used to increase or decrease the counter’s value. It changes the counter by adding a specified number to the current value. The syntax is:


counter_name: This is the name of the counter whose value you want to change.

value: This is the number you want to add to (or subtract from) the counter.

For example, if you want to start a list by adding 2 to the counter, you would use:

  \item First item
  \item Second item
  \item Third item

Here, \addtocounter{enumi}{2} increases the counter by 2, so the first item starts at number 3.

Nested Enumerations

Sometimes you may need multiple levels of lists. This is very easy in LaTeX. We can use an enumerate environment within another enumerate environment.

  \item First item
    \item First sub-item
    \item Second sub-item
  \item Second item

Here, we use numbers for the first level and letters for the second level.


In this tutorial, we learned how to start enumeration from a specific number in LaTeX. We also explored how to change the format of lists and create multi-level lists. We saw how to use the start option, \setcounter, and \addtocounter commands.

I hope these tips help you in your LaTeX journey. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to the world of LaTeX!

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